A simple outfit with mostly old clothes. Only the belt has been purchased in the last year and the boots are older than this blog! Sometimes there's the perception that fashion blogs require a constant influx of new pieces for your closet, but it really isn't necessary. I feel like fashion blogs are about showing how
you dress. Sometimes your style will change--rapidly, or slowly, but it will usually change as you grow and develop and are influenced by different things. Sometimes you'll go on a shopping spree and flood your closet with a load of new things that you might regret purchasing in a month but you love in the moment. Sometimes you'll go on a shopping ban, or decide you hate malls, or start saving for that roadtrip you always wanted to take and you'll wear the same dress for weeks and love it or you'll hate everything in your closet but you'll grit your teeth and bear it because you can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone goes through phases and sometimes this is reflected in their wardrobe. It's nice to buy new things, but it isn't really necessary to maintain a good blog or sense of style. What I love about this outfit is how even though the pieces are mostly old they fit me right now in this present--metaphorically that is (pun unintended).

Outfit details:
scarf, gift from my father
UO boots (old)
purse c/o Modcloth (old)
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